Best Beauty Tip EVER!

Please watch this truly undeniably awesome video!

It makes my heart hurt.  It hurts because I too am guilty of focusing on what I think is wrong with me. It hurts because I’ve wasted time worrying about things I shouldn’t worry about. It hurts to know that we (women) are all guilty of torturing ourselves in this way.  It hurts because of the pain we feel while doing this to ourselves. We compare ourselves to what we think is perfection. We compare ourselves to other women. This cycle of comparison and being critical of ourselves is debilitating and useless. Think about that…. these thoughts are debilitating and useless.

We begin to believe we lack something. We think we must fix this, that, and a dozen other things about ourselves. We lose sight of our beauty. With so much of our focus on parts of us we don’t like, we delay our happiness and contentedness for when we have “fixed” ourselves. Some might ask “why?” Not me. The “why” no longer matters.  What matters is that we acknowledge we don’t have to think this way anymore.

It hurts because the truth is ignored. I have friends and family that when I’ve told them they are beautiful they blow me off.  It’s almost as if they are thinking to themselves “She’s my friend (or relative), of course she is sugar coating things.”   Have you had similar thoughts? Have you ignored or blown off a positive comment from someone close to you? Well friends (and family)….It’s time to stop!

It won’t be easy to change our thought process. These women experienced first hand how deceptive their thoughts were.  We can learn from them.  As much as this video makes my heart hurt, it also helps set me free.  My hope is that it does the same for you!



Much Love!



Debut: Chest of Drawers Hollywood Regency Style

This chest of drawers is the second piece in the Hollywood Regency style makeover. For the first piece in this makeover look here. I helped my client source this slender six drawer chest from a local consignment shop. Her before state was ho-hum, but we thought she had great potential and would provide lots of storage.

Hollywood Regency chest of drawers makeover

Do you see that single mismatched knob on the bottom left side?  I didn’t see it originally.  Sneaky! Sneaky, they were!

Hollywood Regency style chest of drawers makeover picture 4

Black gloss chest of drawers 1

Black gloss chest of drawers 3

Look at her now!  She is a beauty in glossy black with a touch of chippiness!  The knobs are brass and masculine, but they make me want to reach out and touch them. These two pieces will coordinate fabulously now!  Isn’t it cool how paint and hardware can make two different furniture pieces work together?

 Linking up at Miss Mustard Seed’s Furniture Feature Friday



Are you one of the “Crazy Ones?”

Crazy Genius


Original Source Quail Creative


I consider myself one of the “Crazy ones.”

Not the genius part, but I believe I can change the world. By raising my son right and by treating others with respect and love.

Side note about image source’s: The true source of an image is very difficult to find. I’ve had this pinned on pinterest for a while now and it wasn’t from the original source, not even close. So, I tracked down the original source using Reverse Google Image search. Seriously, you should check it out and use it. Then, I updated my pin with the author of the image. It’s important to me to start doing this kind of thing.

So are YOU one of the ‘Crazy Ones?’ Do you believe you can change the world? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

